Monday, April 18, 2011

Important info, Read

As the fiscal year comes to a close, we are faced with some additional budget restrictions. At this time I will only be assigning court ordered cases. I will also be factoring in mileage costs in the assignments. Closing cases on time is also an aspect of managing the budget. I will need an extension form and a court order to extend a case past the 90 day deadline. Rest assured we are looking for funds to fully assign all cases. We know that peer parenting is a fundamentally cost effective service. The transformations that take place in families because of this program is often what makes the difference! Hopefully this slow down will be a short-lived one.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Thursday April 14

6:30 to 8:30

It's more than saying you're sorry.

Teaching Empathy to Children (and Their Parents)

Pot Luck as Usual

A large number of books were donated to our program. Please take a selection of books to your families and let the children pick one to be their very own. While most of the books are picture books, there are some for older readers.

Thank you to Manuel for arranging for this donation.

Step books stuffed with extras are available.

Immediately to the left when you walk in my office door is now a tub filled with handouts to supplement the curriculum:

SOS Soups or Sauces cookbook

The Truth About Lying: "How It All Begins" and When Lying Signals a Bigger Problem"

Top Ten Ways to Handle Disciple Dilemmas

10 Ways to be a Great Parent

Family Activities fo No or Low cost

12 Alternatives to hurting your child/ Safety Rules (for children alone)

Please look again at some of the billing reminders, below. I am still seeing some of them.