Wonderful In-service
Thank you to
Holly Willard
and everybody
for the shared goodies
and ideas!
Thirteen out of twenty peer parents attended. Holly gave a great presentation. Copies of her handout will be in the extras box in my office. I always look forward to the excellant sharing of ideas that happens at our in-services. Sharing challenges and successes are important to mainitaining quality interactions and relationships. I guess it works for peer parents just like it works for families.
Quote of the Evening;
"You can pretend to care but you can't pretend to be there"
Thank you to Janette Barker for that one.
A few announcements and reminders;
- I will be putting together a peer parent directory. Please send me contact info, a blurb and a picture that you want to share . If you don't send me a story I will be forced to make up some wild stories.
- June In-service will be Thursday June 9, 6:30 to 8:30, Pot luck as usual. Tentative topic, "Participating in Team Meetings" Remember this will be you last chance to get an inservice in this fiscal year. Two are required.
- June is the time for anuual reviews. Send some times in June that you have time for me to come over and reminice about the last wonderful year in peer parenting.
- The fiscal year is over June 30th. June billing will be due on my desk no later than Tuesday July 5th. There will be a small prize for the the first billing submited in july. Turning in your billing late in july will result in piles of paperwork the attainment of impossible signatures and extensive delays in payment. Consider yourself fair warned!