Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Great Meeting

And the Oscar goes to Linda Cannon

for her insightful rendition of a tweaking parent

at a family team meeting.

The Oscar for best supporting role

goes to Cheryl Lee

as her inappropriate friend.
We had a great turn out. Eight Peer Parents were there.

  • There was a demonstration of a genogram.

  • We talked about when a team meeting might be called.

  • We discussed a glossary of terms that are used in team meetings.

  • We went over the structure of a team meeting.

Then we had some fun but disruptive mock team meetings.

I want to appreciate everyone who participated.

And as usual there were great things to eat as we learned.

Remember June's billing

must be on my desk by July 5th!

This includes mileage!

I will be on vacation from June 16 until June 27. Contact Wendy Hamner for assistance.

Tenative date and topic for July meeting

July 14th.

"How to spot meth use in a parent."

presented by Linda Cannon

Participant in survey below about the need for an August In-service as many people are out on vacation then.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Getting the Most Out of Team meetings

Thursday June 9

Pot Luck as Usual

6:30 to 8:30

Many of you have only one in-service so far this year so be sure to make this one to get in the two a year that are required! Call me if you need to know if I Mean You!

If you haven't scheduled your annual review besure to call or e mail me and get it scheduled.