Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thank you to Wendy Cole for the interesting discussion and clarifications concerning reporting abuse.

The fiscal year ends June 30
So there are a few housekeeping chores;
1. All billing must be in by July 10th. Late billing requires a handwritten check and more paperwork than either you or I want to deal with. I can not guarantee timely payment (this decade) for billing turned in after July 10th.

2. I will be renewing everyone's certification every June rather than through out the year on your aniversary. (Only on your first year will you have to do this twice) Please be prepared to make an appointment with me in June to sign the paperwork.

2. This will also give us the oportunity to touch base, review skills and training needs, evaluations, and discuss goals for the coming year.

3. If there is a game, books or project supplies you would like to see in the resource center, this would be the time to request them.

4. Please let me know if you are taking extended vacations or would like to change the number of cases you can take during the summer.

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