Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1. Wendy’s contact info.
• 801 281 5013

2. Procedures for case assignment.
• Wendy will be receiving requests.
• She will match peer parent when a match exists.
• She will send out cases for assignment lists
• Cases are assigned according to match to family, relative age of parent and lastly who volunteers first.

3. Procedures for billing
• Original copies of 520s and mileage need to be to Wendy by the 10th of the month (remember she is doing at least two people’s job so the sooner you turn in the paper work the better).
• Email her the billing cover sheet and monthly summaries before the 10th as well.

4. Procedures for checking out Resources
• There are now two Roledexes .
• One for resources
• One with a card for each Peer parent.
• For check out items move the items card to behind your name.
• On that card put your name, families names, and date.
• Move it back when you check it in.
• For consumable items, fill out blank card as above including items took.
• And put it behind your name
• E mail Wendy Resources checked or taken out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What a great time I had at the appreciation clebration!
Notice that there has been a change in when the inservice will be this month. I really wanted to have one more inservice before I go on the long leave. Most of you have already met Wendy and this will be another chance to. In the next week, I will be posting and e mailing about any changes that will result.
If you have specific concerns let me know so that I can attempt to address it before I go out.